Ethical Code

Duplomatic MS SpA bases its internal and external activity on compliance with the principles contained in the Code of Ethics and Conduct identified as a founding component of the organizational model and the system of internal control and management of risks, in the conviction that a common vision of ethics in the daily conduct of business is the indispensable precondition for responsible and sustainable growth.


Download the Code of Ethics of Duplomatic






Duplomatic MS Spa, already equipped with the Organizational Model pursuant to Legislative Decree n. 231/2001, has followed the provisions of D. Lgs. 24/2023 - implementation of EU Directive 2019/1937. Therefore, anyone who identifies facts that constitute or may constitute violations of regulatory provisions at national or European Union level, can make a confidential report (the so-called "whistleblowing") through a dedicated communication channel that will protect its identity. Below you can access the policy where are described the types of reports, communication channels and the form to be used for reporting. The Supervisory Body, established pursuant to D. Lgs. 231/2001, is entrusted with the management of the internal reporting channel of violations.